Daily Monroe WEATHER

BDE: Mrs. Zlata Heimlich, a"h

YS GOLD We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Zlata Heimlick at the untimely age of 34 years of age. The nifteres.... read more

BDE: Reb Yoel Blau, z"l

YS GOLD We regret to inform you of the untimely passing of Reb Yoel Blau, a 39-year-old resident of Kiryas Yoel. The.... read more

BDE: Reb Fishel Sofer, z”l

YS Gold We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Yechezkel Eliezer Mordechai Ephraim Fishel Sofer of Kiryas Yoel. He was 68 years.... read more

BDE: Rav Meir Hersh Greenbaum, z"l

YS GoldWe regret to inform you of the passing of Rav Meir Hersh Greenbaum, z"l, of Kiryas Yoel, a.... read more

Tragedy; Two Yidden Lose Lives in Horrific Mountaindale Accident: Levaye in Kiryas Yoel

It is with unbelievable sadness that we report on the horrific tragedy that occurred on Thursday evening in Mountaindale, where two yidden passed.... read more

BDE: Mrs. Reizel Farkas, a”h

We regret to inform you of the petirah of Mrs. Reizel Farkas, a longtime.... read more

BDE: R' Yitzchok Liphshitz, z"l

By Y. S. GoldWe regret to inform you of the sudden and shocking petirah of Reb Yitzchok Liphshitz. He was 66 years of age, and suffered a.... read more

BDE: Haga’on Rav Shmaya Greenbaum, zt”l

YS GoldWe regret to inform you of the petirah of Ha’gaon Rav Shmaya Greenbaum, a giant talmid chacham, author of sefarim, and a.... read more